Friday 13 May 2016

Connecting Essay Three

This image on the internet uses the technique of depth of field in order to illustrate the theme of journey whilst including elements such as colour, shadows and lights, as well as blur. This adds diversity to the image and creates curiosity in the viewer, almost inviting them to spend more time working out the image. The dark colours throughout the image shows connotations of mystery and invites the viewer to explore the photograph, working out the context. The light flares around the picture also adds to this mysterious atmosphere and further contributes to the theme of journey - the depth of field technique has prevented the viewer from what's ahead, along with the lights, but the subject looks as if he is about to start walking that way, heading towards the blurred path, emphasising journey.

This is my own picture I have created using a depth of field technique. I decided to use a low angle to restrict the viewer's view and include at little as the subject as possible so the viewer can't connect with the subject. This is so the viewer concentrates on the scene and the theme of journey rather than the subject, however, I still allow them to notice the subject and understand that the subject is going on a journey. I also made sure the path is not clear at the end, and I used this angle to my advantage, blocking the view after the bend. By doing this, feelings of curiosity are evoked in the viewer, making them wonder about the scene and where the subject could be heading to. I have also used the element of colour and shown great contrast between the grass and the rocks. The green grass act as a guiding line, starting from the bottom of the picture and guiding the viewer through the path, taking their eyes on a short journey, which further emphasises the theme I am trying to put out.  The rocky ground does exactly the same thing but due to the fact that it's a different colour, it creates a pattern, adding repetition and the element of lines to the image, further improving the photograph and makes it even more exciting.

Overall, these two pictures are similar in the way that they use the same angles and techniques to achieve similar aims. By using low angles, both images are able to restrict the viewer's view of the scene in order to make them wonder and add an adventurous atmosphere to each photograph. Another way the pictures are similar is through the use of colour creating contrast. The first picture uses dark colours as well as lights in order to create this contrast and most of the colours fade into each other, creating an ombre effect and allowing the image to flow, whereas my photograph uses bright colours which are completely different from each other. Despite this, both images still use the colour available in the scene to their best advantages.

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