Sunday 8 May 2016

Discussion - Journey

For this project, I have chosen the theme of journey. This is because after conducting some research, I have noticed a diversity of techniques and angles that can be used when photographing journey - this will allow me to organise my shoots and improve my skills on specific techniques, such as depth of field. This particular topic contains different areas that I can capture in more detail; for example, transport and possessions. I would like to explore these ideas and complete some shoots on them, allowing me to use different angles and techniques to produce exciting images, showing some sort of journey. This theme will most probably become more challenging as I progressed on with my shoots as I will have to come up with new ideas to keep producing unique images and prevent my work from becoming repetitive. Moreover, by choosing to study this topic, I will be able to focus on my techniques more and more, which will enable me to improve my photography and show more professionalism in my pictures. I will also be able to spend more time on my images; thinking about the frame before capturing the image as well as the angle. This will give my work more originality and further improve the way I plan individual photographs.

When researching the theme of journey, I found that most images contain connotations of a journey, sometimes through symbolism - this means the images did not have to include a clear scene where a journey is taking place, but rather a subject or object or building, which symbolises a journey and tells the story of that journey. For example, the image below does not show any physical element of a journey but uses the technique of an image within another image to show a change in time and highlight journey in that way. The photograph is black and white, whereas the background is in colour - this adds contrast to the picture, through colour and through the shift in time; it shows how photographs can now be taken in colour and shows the exact same spot some years ago. This suggests that the subject in the photograph is the same as the lady holding it, further adding meaning to this image as it shows her journey and how she has experienced this change in time.

One technique which I really want to explore is depth of field - I have previously touched on this but I did not get the chance to experiment with this particular technique. Similar to the image below, I would like to use this technique to exaggerate a scene and make paths or roads look longer than they actually are - this emphasises on the whole idea of journey and allows the photographer to use angles to show off the scene and include most of it. I think this technique will improve on my what angles I choose for my images as it will force me to think more about the framing of my pictures and decide which angle would be best for me to produce an exciting image whilst still portraying the theme of journey. I also think this technique allows the contrast between colours to be seen clearly, such as in the image below. As the technique of depth of field requires for a big scene, it enables the colour to be shown off and different tones to be included.

Another idea I would like to explore when working on this topic is possessions. I can photograph specific objects that show connotations of journey, such as passports or suitcases. This will allow me to add more meaning to my work and enable me to focus more on including symbolism in my images and plan my shoots so I am prepared on how I'm going to achieve this. The image below tells the viewer a lot about the subject who owns the objects in the picture - it is clear that he is male and is off traveling somewhere. The formal shoes suggest that it could be a business trip along with the small suitcase which implies he is not going for too long as it is a fairly small one. I would like to use techniques like the ones used below to achieve similar aims, allowing my viewer to explore my subject's possessions and make interpretations from them.

To start this project, I will focus on transport and the ways that people use to get around. Most of my shoots will be in Central London, where I will be able to capture the busy city life and use this to my advantage, in order to show journey. Furthermore, I would like to show a contrast between the city and the countryside, which would allow me to show the difference between the a busy journey and a quieter one. 

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