Friday 13 May 2016

Overall Evaluation

Overall, I have really enjoyed this project. I was able to work with techniques and experiment with them in order to produce exciting and unique images, which show the theme of journey. When I first started this project, I planned my shoots in advance so I had a rough idea of what I wanted to achieve. After doing my research on photographers, I found that their techniques were very repetitive so that they may achieve this idea of journey - one of the most common technique was depth of field; I explored this deeper and decided to carry out a shoot experimenting with this. I was able to manipulate the angles of my images and decide which would show off this technique better whilst still making the image attractive. I also found that the use of colour was very important when working with journey; by adding attractive and bright colours to my work, I am able to guide the viewers through my photographs and control where they first pay attention to as soon as they look at the image, I think this is important as I brought them on a journey around my pictures. One challenge which I think I faced was when I was shooting in the city of London; the busy city life meant I didn't have much time to frame my images as the buses were travelling and so were everyone around me. However, I overcame this and framed my images in advance, meaning I set my camera up and waited for a bus to come rather than spot one and hurry to capture it. This made a big difference to my work and allowed me to gain control over my photographs so that I could frame it better and include exactly what I wanted in the scene. If I had the chance to do this project again, I would carry out some shoots in the studio, which would further allow me to experiment, especially with the lighting and it would be a challenge to find ways to represent journey through objects in the studio. Moreover, I would also complete some more connecting essays along with some more photographer research; this would allow me to be more critical of my work and analyse it so that I may improve. It would also allow me to gain a deeper insight on the type of pictures used to symbolise journey, which would help me add more symbolism to my work and thus, engage the viewer even more.

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