Friday 6 May 2016

Research Log

Ben Gold

Ben Gold, based in London, is very good at capturing the theme of journey through his use of lighting and symbolism. His images are often quite warm and show empty or often isolated scenes; he does this in order to force his viewers to focus on his subjects or objects and understand the content of each scene. The depth of field element is also common in his work, this is so the scene looks bigger and exaggerated, further adding to the whole idea of journey.

Tom Winters

This photographer is extremely good at photographing the themes of culture and journey by putting them together in one image. His work explores different societies, showing different traditions and highlights the idea of going on a journey and travelling. Winters captures his subjects as they are about to embark on a long journey, showing their feelings through facial expressions or their postures.

Andrew Newson

This photographer went on a short one-day journey and decided to capture whatever catches his eye; this was done in order to show a short journey and photograph items or scenery that he comes across, showing the theme. By capturing objects or subjects on this short walk, he is able to portray journey through objects rather than scenery and a range of techniques. In the future, I would like to take inspiration from this photographer and go on a shot one-day journey to see what I can capture and depict the theme of journey.

Bob Krist

Krist produces bright and powerful images from his travels, capturing portraits of people he encountered whilst travelling. His use of colour has been really well thought of, where he makes sure the colours in a particular image contrast or compliment each other in order to create an attractive photograph. When he is to capturing portraits, Bob Krist focuses on scenery, where he isolates the location, ensuring no subjects are included so that his viewers can pay full attention to the scenery and concentrate on the theme of journey. For example, in the picture above of the beach, the technique of depth of field has allowed the photographer to show connotations of journey and by omitting any subjects, he allows viewers to follow the path on the beach.

Cait Miers

Miers is based in Australia, where she aims to shoot women in the surf industry, allowing her to capture the growing femininity. She captures journey in a unique way, showing the theme through water photography - she is able to capture the journey of sea life as they travel through the ocean as well as her subjects surfing, showing their journey as they surf, capturing their progress and their emotions towards the water sport. Her work stands out due to the vibrant colours found in her images; the different shades of blue in her portfolio compliment each other and show the element of tone.

Jeff Sullivan

Sullivan is incredibly good at photographing nature snaps, capturing the "true, rugged beauty go the Californian landscape." The framing of his work is well thought of, where he uses the lighting from the Sun amazingly. He times his images so that the Sun is in a specific position in the sky when his picture is taken, allowing him to show off the element of colour and create vibrant, attractive images. This also allows his to use the element of shadow in his work, where the shadows highlight a specific object in the picture and gives it a 3D element.

Richard Bernabe!/index

Richard Bernabe is extremely talented at capturing nature at its most natural and wildlife with his dramatic landscapes. His use of lighting is often used to highlight specific elements and show them off, for example, in the images able, the light sources are creating shadows in the scene, showing the element of shape and giving the pictures a 3D element. This adds excitement to his work and allows viewers to feel as if they were present in the actual pictures, giving out feelings of adventure.

Jeff Lombardo

This photographer is well known for his unique take on urban life in some of the world's most vibrant cities. He keeps his work warm in order to emit feelings of happiness and adventure - the angles which he uses are mostly low, this makes the scene look bigger than it really is, highlighting the theme of journey and showing off the scenery. The use of colour in his work usually show contrasting colours, making the image attractive and adding diversity.

Brandon Scott

Scott is very talented at fine art photography, creating beautiful images showing journey. He shows this theme through his use of depth of field, by using this technique, he enlarges the path and guides the viewer through his image, allowing them to go through a journey in each image. By adding other objects, such as the little boats, he further emphasises this theme and encourages is viewers to go through the image. I would very much like to adapt this use of colour in my own work in order to crewe attractive, vibrant pictures.

Kirsten Alana

This photographer captures the theme of journey in such a way that she leaves her viewers hanging, forcing them to guess where the journey leads to. For example, in the first picture, she uses the technique of depth of field to intrigue her viewers and guide them through the image, but the entrance to the cathedral is very unclear - his evokes feelings of curiosity and gives out an atmosphere of adventure. The element of colour also helps attract viewers and keeps them interested in the picture; the bright green grass makes the path obvious, making it impossible for the viewer not to notice it. Alana uses similar technique throughout her work in order to keep her viewers intrigued.

Daniel Nahabedian

Daniel aims to educate people through his pictures. letting his viewers understand new cultures and becoming familiar with them. He shows journey through his work as he moves from culture to culture, capturing their traditions and showing comparison between them. By combining the element of colour and incredible angles, mostly low, he is able to create exciting and dramatic images, taking his viewer's breath away as they feel they are in the picture themselves, experiencing these different cultures.

Jeff P

Jeff P is well known for his portraits full of character, his incredible city shots and his other-wordly landscape images, which capture personality, great use of colour, culture and elements of journey. His work consists of a variety of close ups and far away subjects/objects/scenes - this adds diversity to his work and creates different images each time, preventing them from being repetitive. His use of colour is also very good, by mostly capturing representative colours to the culture he is capturing, he highlights the theme of journey.

Robert Van Koesveld

This photographer's work is usually at a far angle, which allows him to capture the whole scene. He rarely includes subjects in his images, this enables his viewers to focus on the scenery and the content rather than a person and their importance in the picture. He shows the theme of journey through the technique of depth of field, showing long paths and allowing the viewer to guide themselves through the picture using those long paths. I would like to use this technique in my work as it will help me show long journeys.

Michael Bonocore

Michael Bonocore is famous for his bright and intriguing travel shots, creating breathtaking images. His work is very varied, being shot both at night and during the day - he captures scenery in a beautiful way, showing off its features and using colour to highlight them. I think this technique could be very useful for my project, as it will allow me to use colour and pick out the most attractive parts of specific images.

Richard Wong!/index

Wong creates beautiful photographs, finding drama and beauty in each scene. He uses angles in which he can capture a full frame, making his pictures even more exciting and bringing the scene to life, allowing the viewer to feel as if they are in the photograph.

QT Luong

This photographer is very good at capturing the colour element in his work - by highlighting bright colours in each of his images, he automatically brightens up his pictures and ensures the viewers are paying their full attention to the contents of his images. By producing both landscapes and portraits images, he adds variety and diversity to his work, making it unpredictable and keeping his pictures exciting. He also uses the technique of depth of field a lot, exaggerating the scene and portraying the theme of journey.

Gavin Gough

Gough is well known for his travel photography, by exploring other cultures; he is able to illustrate the theme of journey through a range of techniques, such as motion blur. By using different techniques with each picture, he shows clear planning and spends time framing a scene before capturing. This adds professionalism to his work and gives his images a dramatic feel.

Ben Pipe

This photographer is well known for his cultural photography, capturing other forms of transport, showing the theme of journey in different cultures. He is very good at using specific angles and suiting them to a particular picture so that it looks exciting and portrays journey as well emphasises it. He is also very good at showing contrast, through colours, allowing his images to stand out and attract viewers.

Steve Davey

Steve Davey is very good at framing his images in order to capture a scene and focus on specific features in it. For example, in the image above, it is clear that the photographer only wants his viewers to focus on the subjects in orange rather than the actual surroundings. He has achieve this by showing a huge contrast between the colour orange and the rest of the picture, allowing their clothing to stand out significantly.

Michael Heffernan

This is another photographer who is very well known for his cultural themes in his photography. Techniques such as wide angles and used to capture a big scene and show off a particular aspect of a culture, allowing him to depict the theme of journey.

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