Friday 13 May 2016

Work Dairy - Sixth Shoot - Animation

This was my last shoot for my project before my exam. I wanted to show journey through animation; this would bring the theme of journey to life and allow the viewer to experience the image more, seeing different movements and actions. This was fairly simple, but I had to find the right angles for the animation. I struggled with this at first but I experimented and soon found that a straight on angle would be the best one to use. It should also be a wide angle, so that the viewer can see clearly what's going on in the image and understand its context.

This is my favourite animation from the whole shoot - I like the use of colour from the red buses as they are the only bright objects in the image. This allows the viewer to automatically look at the buses before paying attention to anything else in the animation.

I don't like the colour of this animation, it didn't quite come out right. I should have adjusted the aperture so that more light would be allowed into the lens, allowing me to create a brighter image.

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