Friday 13 May 2016

Work Diary - Eight Shoot - Motion Blur (Day)

For this shoot, I wanted to concentrate on the technique of motion blur, allowing me to show movement and manipulate the speed of an object or a subject when doing so. When I first started, I had to experiment with the shutter speed as I wanted to make sure that I could create the blur I wanted for each image. However, as the shoot progressed, I was able to do this better and allowed me to spend more time framing my image rather than playing with the shutter speed. I think the framing of the image was one of the most important feature with this technique as it allowed me to include what I wanted in the background so that I could make my moving subject/object stand out and be the focus of the image - this was my main aim. This shoot allowed me to show journey through actual movement and show how fast or slow something or someone was travelling.

This was one of my favourite images from the shoot. I particularly like the use of colour here - the red backpack forces the subject to stand out, especially against the bright yellow objects in the background. Although the yellow colour is brighter than the red, because the red takes up a lot of the image, it still remains the first thing a viewer would look at when looking at this image.

On the other hand, this image was not as successful as I thought it would be. This is because of the cars on the right of the photograph. Initially, I thought this would work as it would contain the subjects at the pelican crossing as well as the cars moving. However, the cars take away the attention from the subjects, which is where I wanted the main focus to be.

In the future, I would like to use this same technique but at night; this would allow me to capture the lights and create light trails, showing the theme of journey. This would also require a lot of experiment, which will give me a better idea of how to use this technique and perfect my skills.

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