Friday 13 May 2016

Work Diary - Seventh Shoot - Short Day Journey (City) Test Shoot

This shoot was a test shoot for my exam. I aimed to carry out a documentary like shoot, where I was able to portray journey through objects or scenes that I would come across on a short day journey in the city. This was a simple idea at first and I thought it would be easy and straight-forward, but as I started progressing with my shoot, I noticed that there were a lot of techniques that I could use to achieve this, which meant I had to experiment with the different angles and aperture settings. I found that untraditional angles, such as a high or low angle would produce a more exciting picture and make the scene look more interesting - as if there is more going on, creating an illusion and engaging the viewer even more. I also found it hard to find objects to capture as it was mostly transport. I had to walk around a bit more and go to less busy places to find more interesting image opportunities such as signs and objects that have been left behind by other individuals.

I really like this image from my shoot as it shows journey in two ways; through my point of view as I am taking this shirt day journey and coming across this homeless person's 'sleeping bag' but also through the homeless person's point of view, showing the journey they are on. This spot has clearly been abandoned, implying that the person has moved on and perhaps, had to find another place to sleep that night. It also looks very out of place, creating curiosity in the viewer and maybe even making them uncomfortable.

In contrast, this image did not turn out as well. The trees in the background blend in with the sign and prevents it from standing out - if there were no trees, this photograph would have been a success, especially with the angle I chose. 

If I could do this shoot again, I would spend more time walking around and explore another part of the city, maybe a rougher area.

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