Friday 13 May 2016

Work Diary - Fourth Shoot - Depth of Field (With Subjects)

This shoot was exactly the same as my other shoot working with the depth of field technique. The only difference is the fact that I have used a subject for this one. (see Work Diary - Second Shoot - Depth of Field) The reason for using a subject is to add more emotion in my work, allowing the viewer to connect to the subject, thus engaging with the image.

This is my most successful picture from this shoot, mostly due to the fact that the use of colour has been exaggerated and brings life to the image. The green grass make the path seem more friendly and suggest that the subject is not going on a dangerous journey. This gives out an atmosphere of adventure and slight mystery, almost inviting the viewer to follow the path.

This image did not turn out as good. This is because the image was not framed properly so it seems like there is too much going on, making it harder for the viewer to find the main focus of the image and work out its context. Perhaps I could have used a different angle to restrict the viewer's view and include less in the photograph.

In the future, I would like to use this technique even more, this will give my work depth and create a 3-dimensional element, making my pictures look realistic and even more exciting.

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