Friday 13 May 2016

Work Diary - Third Shoot - Short Day Journey (Countryside) Test Shoot

This shoot is a follow-up of the test shoot from the city for my exam, this is also a test shoot, which will allow me to compare the difference between objects or scenes I come across in the city and in the countryside. This portrays journey as the viewer will be able to see the transition of my journey from city to countryside and the distinction between the two will be highlighted. (see Work Diary - Seventh Shoot - Short Day Journey - City Test Shoot)

This is my best picture from this shoot - I like how there is huge contrast here, though colours and the ground. The wooden bar separates the grass and soil from the rocky ground. I used a low angle to that I could use the depth of field technique and show off this contrast. By placing the wooden bar right in the middle of the picture, I was able to create a guiding line throughout the picture, allowing the viewer to take a journey with their eyes.

I like this picture and I think the idea was a very good one - I wanted to show the other side of the path through the paw, however, I couldn't get the aperture right so the path came out too bright. I think I could have used a different angle to reduce the light coming through.

For my exam, this test shoot has taught me to make better use of angles, this will help me show a scene or an object in a unique way and allow me to produce an exciting image.

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